Name and Description - needed to facilitate navigation among the filters.
Sequence - Defines the order in which filters are executed. When an event is generated (for example, a task has been assigned), then this event can satisfy several of your filters (for the filter, "jql" and "event" Set are checked). In this case, the filter will be executed for which the "Sequence" parameter is less. A notification will be sent in accordance with its settings.
JQL - The condition for sending a notification. If the task does not satisfy JQL, then a notification will not be sent.
An empty field means that the task does not need to be checked against jql. Or in other words, you need to send notifications for all issues. In this case, only the event type will be checked by the "Event set".Event set - Issue can generate many different events that configure Jira adminsitra. In each Jira, these event sets are unique. These events will not tell the user anything. Event-set - these are the event nets that Jira administrators create for users. Examples:
Event set - commenting on the request (the Jira administrator will add events related to commenting here).
Event set - actions with the request (events that are generated when creating, updating, assigning ...)
Event set - coordination (a set of events that are generated in a particular project or in a particular workflow. Events that relate to a specific process)
Type - Defines the type and color of the received notification
Close - Options for closing a notification.
Automatic - after displaying in the browser, the prayer disappears after about 5 seconds.
Shown 1 time. If you do not see, then the notification will no longer appear :(
Manual - The notification is displayed on the browser page until it is closed.
Too shown 1 time .
After manual close - A notification will be displayed until the user closes it manually. It is shown even if you close the notification window. The next time you open Jira, surprise will appear again. And it will wait until you close it.