The search uses two mechanisms for working with counter values.

  1. The first works with indexes. It is fast on any amount of data. But this data is current at the time the indexes were created. In the case of running time counters, a difference appears between the value stored in the index and the real one.

  2. The second mechanism works with real data. It is noticeably slower than working with indexes. It is artificially limited in the amount of processed data (limits are set in the JQL settings). But it works with real, relevant data now. Where possible, but works with indexes.

Functions take the following parameters.

"5h35m12s" - 5 hours 35 minutes 12 seconds
"5h12s" - 5 hours 12 seconds
3000m - 3000 minutes
"0", "0s" ... - time is zero.

Common functions.

General functions work without reference to the "Time in status" field.

Or their replacement counterparts, in case of functions of the same name in other plugins.

If you want to use both plugins, go to "Manage Plugins", then expand the modules for either plugin, and selectively enable or disable the JQL function modules for those functions. For example, in "Time in status", the module providing jql-functions is displayed as:

issue in timeInStatus ("statuses", "condition", "time")

issue in timeInStatusByJql ("jql", "statuses", "condition", "time")

issue in timeInStatusByJqlAndWokCalendar ("jql", "statuses", "condition", "time", "calendar")

Search functions in the "Time in status" field.

Work when search engine is connected (Search template)

"Time in status" in active ()

"Time in status" in inactive ()

"Time in status" in time ("condition", "time")

"Time in status" in realTime ("condition", "time")

"Time in status" in realTimeBetween ("time", "time")


By the field “Time in status” it is possible to sort. Sorting takes place according to data calculated in real time. Therefore, in large volumes, the request can be processed for a sufficiently long time. If sorting does not occur, you may not have the appropriate rights.
