How to create work calendar?

How to create work calendar?

  1. Open {baseUrl}/secure/jibrokAllCalendars!default.jspa or from admin search by "Work calendars":


  2. Click "Сreate"


  3. Enter the data in the calendar settings fields 



    1. You can specify an arbitrary time. Set in time field "21:35" (example)

      Click on time field and start typing "time" as "7:00" or "19:30".


    2. then click "Create"


  4. Time zones - Calendar time calculations occur in the specified time zone. However, displays take into account the user's time zone.

  5. If the data are not correct, an error will appear when saving. 


  6. Adding Breaks. To add breaks during working hours, do the following.

    1. Create a break at "Add break time intervals". Set start and end times and click “Add“.


    2. When there are breaks in the calendar for selection, then the working day has a field for selecting breaks.

    3. Then you can set default calendar breaks. The default break time can be selected in the working day.


    4. Set up work breaks for work days.
      Choose a default break or set one or more time intervals. Intervals must not overlap.



Work time settings - are user for new time formats from D13 to D42

Default - The working day is equal to the calendar day