OnChange Listener in Create Issue screen

OnChange Listener in Create Issue screen


Following is my code:


<p1>Please download the following document:</p1> <br> <a id="text" href="https://www.website">[YOUR DOWNLOADLINK WILL BE SHOWN HERE AFTER SELECTING A MODULE]</a> <br> <p2> and attach it to your issue.</p2>



if(JIBROK_MESSAGE_FIELD_CONTEXT == "CREATE_SD"){ require(['jquery'], function($) { $('#customfield_10406').on('change', function(){ meineFunktion(); }) function meineFunktion(){ var v = document.getElementById("customfield_10406"); var strUser = v.options[v.selectedIndex].text; var str = strUser.replace(" ", "_"); str = str.replace("/", "_"); $('#text').attr("href", "https://www.website/downloads/dokumente/" + str); $('#text').text("https://www.website/downloads/dokumente/" + str); } }) } else if(JIBROK_MESSAGE_FIELD_CONTEXT == "VIEW_SD"){ } else { }


As follows are the visual effects of the field: 


Creating issue(the Downloadlink field):

This is when the screen loads:

This is when you change the input in "Modulauswahl":

So the Function is as wished to this point. The Problem occures in the "view issue screen" on the customer side:

Initially, there is only a subtle change in the spacing between the fields, where one could expect the messagefield:

But after anything is done to the issue (eg. commented or statuschange from the customer view screen, following happens, even though I tried specifying in the code, that nothing is to happen on the "view issue" screen:



I tried it also just without the else, if in the code but it didn't change anything.


Please tell me which version of the plugin are you using?

  • For service desk, I recommend using the latest version 4.3.1.

Also by the screenshot, you are using Refined for Jira.

"Create issue" screen - you really need to track the change event. But the portal has a problem that stands above - the initialization of your js.

The latest version of the plugin allows you to implement such dynamics without writing JavaScript at all: https://jibrok.com/docs/message-field/dynamic-templates/


Screenshot how to set up. Note that you can manage the terms here: On which screens to display.



And some final screenshots.


