Settings for Delegation of Group Management By Projects

Settings for Delegation of Group Management By Projects

When delegating group management, the following problem appears: groups are created in a common list.


The user “User A“ works and administers only 1 project “Project A“. When he creates a group "Group A", it appears in the general list.


  1. There is no information that this group "Group A" is needed only for the project “Project A“.

  2. Users from other projects may see groups from the general list, which may not apply to them.


The application allows you to associate group management rights and groups with projects.


How it works:

Configuration of delegating by projects

The Jira administrator specifies permissions on projects. (Linking the project and groups will be further)

By specifying roles and allowed actions with groups, manipulations with groups are limited.

For each role, you can grant rights:

  • Read - view the composition of the groups attached to the project.

  • Edit - Read rights. Editing the composition of groups. Rights to search for users in the system.

  • Create - Allows you to create new groups for the project, delete existing ones. In the case of rights in several projects, it is possible to edit link groups to projects.

Only users with the specified rights on the project will be able to work with groups created for project. Users with rights from other projects will not be able to see and work with these groups.

Mapping groups and projects

All created groups for projects will be displayed in this menu. Technical users create the usual Jira groups, but now group and project association information is also recorded.

In the same menu, Jira Administrator can link existing groups to projects. This will allow users from the above roles to work with groups. The Jira administrator can also edit existing group and project links.

Configuration of delegating by projects

  • Rules can be created for several projects at once. It is convenient to use separate roles for this. Then the number of rules will be minimal.

    • The ability to specify a project category will appear later.

Mapping groups and projects

  • The group is unique. For the group, the projects with which it is associated are indicated.

  • Users from the specified roles on projects will be able to work with the corresponding groups.

  • Deleting links for a group does not delete the group.


What the user sees and how he works

Group management

On this page, the user can work with groups to which he has access.


Create groups

The menu is available to the user if he has the “Create” rights. These can be rights to create general groups or rights in specific projects.

The interface may differ depending on user rights.

  • Creating new groups

  • Linking a New Group to a Project

  • Changing existing project links

  • Deleting groups

  • The user sees only projects and groups to which he has access. Including browse permission in the project's permissions scheme.

  • Deleting a group requires rights in all related projects.

    • It may also be necessary to have access to create public groups and that the user has the appropriate permission scheme associated with the public group.